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Operations Explorer

For patient flow management, scenario planning and resource optimization

We enable out of the box automation that assists with ER Flow Management, Surge Prediction, Staffing Needs, Demand & Capacity Management, Prior Authorizations, Scheduling and Back-office support.

Operations Explorer

For patient flow management, scenario planning and resource optimization

We enable out of the box automation that assists with ER Flow Management, Surge Prediction, Staffing Needs, Demand & Capacity Management, Prior Authorizations, Scheduling and Back-office support.

We enable out of the box automation to stitch together complex healthcare workflows. Disparate data is overlayed to provide a holistic view of complex situations. Healthcare organizations are provided access to a robust dashboard with APIs and visualization tools for viewing various levels of insights to achieve operational excellence. These include:

  • Automated workflows that allows staff to complete tasks in minutes vs weeks
  • Automated command center for better communication between ED, ICU, lab, pharmacy, discharge, and other departments
  • Back-office automation for prior auth, pre-auth, and documentation
  • Predictive modeling for operational readiness against surge or demand increase (hospitalizations, readmissions, chronic cases rise, etc.)
  • Resource allocation (staff, equipment, personnel) along with visualizations for stakeholders to make informed decisions
  • Stakeholder engagement (C suite, physicians, case managers) and view Operational KPIs
  • Reduced burden on IT staff with a managed platform
  • Reduced data fragmentation leads to ROI recognition on existing disparate systems